Maciel PeredaComment

#85: Manhattans

Maciel PeredaComment
#85: Manhattans

A season that falls smack in the throes of universal unwellness should certainly not overlap with requisite gatherings of extended family and acquaintances.

But it does.

Luckily, that’s why boozy heavyweights like the Manhattan were born: an urgent need for germ murdering and increased flippancy regarding controversial family arguments, all rolled into a single drink that can stabilize you through any number of demanding holiday situations. The Manhattan is also a classy AF drink to serve visitors (BA’s recipe is old-school perfection and makes enough servings for a crowd!) I snuck one of my own favourite spirits into my riff on a Manhattan: an amaro spiked ‘black Manhattan’ that makes for a top notch digestivo for all the hard digestivo-ing work your poor stomach has surely been doing the last…long time.