#70: Lemonade
It’s officially Summer! The most wonderful time of the year! (Yeah, that’s right Christmas, you are full of ice slicks, brazenly inebriated relatives, and hellish shopping line-ups; who knows how you secured that label but I’m taking it away from you and awarding it to a more worthy season). I don’t need to say much to sell everyone on Summer, except to add that no drink screams warmth and outdoorsy-ness more than ice-cold lemonade. Only one lemonade recipe takes the stand today – BA’s is so delicious that you don’t really need a secondary option – though I have added a little tag-on recipe that uses said lemonade in a more grown-up application, specifically bourbon-spiked Arnold Palmers (a half and half combo of lemonade and iced tea that doesn’t get nearly enough lauding if you ask me).